Picture of Wuba Kassahun

Wuba Kassahun

Wuba er en erfaren tannlege som brenner for faget sitt. Som grunnlegger og leder for Tannhelse Uten Grenser, gir han mye til de som har lite. Han er også medlem i fagnemda i Oslo Tannlegeforening, samt holder kurs til tannleger. Wuba er daglig leder for tre tannlegesentre.

Mer om Wuba

Narkose og sedasjon som potensiell lindring for pasienter med tannlegeskrekk – Narkose tannlege

Narkose tannlege - Tannlegeskrekk - Narkose og sedasjon

Tannlegeskrekk er en utbredt utfordring som ofte hindrer folk i å oppsøke nødvendig tannbehandling.

For de som opplever intens angst hos tannlegen, kan narkose og sedasjon være essensielle for å gjøre tannlegebesøket mer håndterbart.

Disse medisinske tilnærmingene tilbyr en sikker og avslappende opplevelse og har vist seg å være svært effektive for pasienter som ellers ville unngått tannbehandling på grunn av frykt.

Undersøkelsen av narkose og sedasjon som terapeutiske verktøy innen tannpleie har åpnet for en skånsommere tilnærming til pasientbehandling, og gir håp om å overvinne hindringene som tannlegeskrekk kan skape.

Hva er egentlig narkose og sedasjon?

Narkose, definert som en medisinsk tilstand av bevisstløshet oppnådd gjennom administrasjon av spesifikke medikamenter, brukes under medisinske prosedyrer for å sikre at pasienten ikke opplever ubehag eller smerte.

Intensiteten varierer basert på formålet med bruken.

Tannbehandling under narkose

Metodene for narkosebehandling ved tannlegekontoret varierer fra lokalbedøvelse til lett sedasjon (bedøvelse i våken tilstand) til generell anestesi (full narkose).

Disse tilpasses individuelle behov og kompleksitet i behandlingen.

Å indusere tilstander av avslapning og/eller bevisstløshet gjør det mulig for tannleger å utføre behandlinger effektivt, samtidig som pasientens komfort og velvære er prioritert.

Selv om narkose ikke er nødvendig for alle tannbehandlinger, utgjør det en vesentlig støtte for de som unngår tannlegebesøk på grunn av angst, og legger til rette for en mer tilgjengelig og pasientvennlig tannpleie.


Lokalbedøvelse er vanlig praksis for smertelindring under tannprosedyrer. Den administreres vanligvis ved injeksjon i det behandlede området, blokkerer midlertidig smertesignaler fra nerver og tillater tannleger å utføre behandlinger effektivt med minimalt ubehag.

Lokalbedøvelse hos tannlegen


Sedasjon hos tannlegen er en effektiv tilnærming for å lindre angst og sikre en avslappet tannlegeopplevelse. Enten det er gjennom muntlig administrasjon av beroligende medikamenter eller intravenøs sedasjon, reduserer denne tilnærmingen pasientens stressnivå og gir en følelse av ro.

Pasienten forblir i våken tilstand, men opplever redusert smerte.

Sedasjon under tannbehandlingen

Generell anestesi

Generell anestesi i tannbehandling betyr at pasienten går inn i en fullstendig bevisstløs tilstand. Den administreres vanligvis gjennom inhalasjon av anestesigasser eller intravenøs administrasjon av anestetika.

Dette tillater tannlegen å utføre omfattende inngrep uten at pasienten er bevisst eller føler smerte.

Generell anestesi brukes vanligvis i mer komplekse tilfeller eller for pasienter med spesielle medisinske behov.

Generell anestesi - Full narkose under tannbehandling

Hvem passer narkosebehandling for?

Tannbehandling i narkose er en verdifull løsning for bestemte grupper av mennesker:

  • De med alvorlig tannlegeskrekk

  • De som har opplevd tidligere traumatiske tannlegeopplevelser

  • De med nevrologiske/kognitive utfordringer som gjør samarbeid under vanlig tannbehandling vanskelig.

Narkose gir en tryggere og mindre stressende tannlegeopplevelse for disse pasientene, og muliggjør nødvendig tannomsorg som ellers kunne vært vanskelig å gjennomføre.

Man kan ha rett på HELFO-refusjon

Personer med visse sykdommer eller tilstander kan være berettiget til HELFO-refusjon for tannbehandling under narkose, spesielt de med omfattende medisinske behov der tradisjonell tannbehandling kan være utfordrende eller utilgjengelig.

En lege eller psykolog kan attestere utfordringene, for eksempel alvorlig tannlegeskrekk, og HELFO-refusjon gir økonomisk støtte for deler av kostnadene.

Hvor mye koster det å gjennomføre behanding under narkose?

Kostnadene for narkosebehandling hos tannlegen varierer avhengig av flere faktorer, inkludert geografisk plassering, type narkose og omfang av nødvendig tannbehandling.

Pasienter som gjennomgår tannbehandling i narkose, får ofte HELFO-refusjon, og egenandelen kan variere fra 4k til 10k, avhengig av prosedyre og tidspunkt.

Det anbefales å konsultere med tannlegen eller tannlegekontoret for en nøyaktig oversikt over kostnadene basert på individuelle behov og omstendigheter.

Pasienter oppfordres også til å ta med attester og erklæringer fra leger for å få et mest mulig nøyaktig overslag.

Hvordan foregår behandingen?

Hos Eiksmarka Tannlegesenter kan du få en konsultasjon hvor vi går over narkosebehandling om om det er noe som passer deg.

Tannlegen vil gjennomgå din medisinske historie, allergier og risikofaktorer før behandlingsalternativer og narkosetyper diskuteres med deg.

Du og legen din går over din historie

En tilpasset plan utarbeides der pasientens helse og sikkerhet er prioritert.

En legesjekk før anestesibehandling gjennomføres for å vurdere generell helsestatus, underliggende tilstander og medikamentbruk for å sikre at pasienten er egnet for anestesi.

Denne gjennomgangen er avgjørende for en trygg og vellykket anestesibehandling.

Viktig informasjon før tannbehandlingen

Under vil vi detaljere hvordan anestesert tannbehandling foregår hos Eiksmarka Tannlegesenter.

Konsultasjon – Sørg for at du gir riktige helseopplysninger

Nøyaktige helseopplysninger, spesielt for de med kroniske sykdommer eller tidligere komplikasjoner med narkose, er avgjørende for en trygg prosedyre.

Dette er for din egen sikkerhet.

Spising og drikking før behandlingen

Fasteregler før behandlingen inkluderer ikke å innta fast føde 6 timer før inngrepet og å avstå fra flytende væske de siste 2 timene.


Generell anestesi administreres av en anestesilege og en anestesisykepleier, og innsovning skjer raskt, vanligvis innen 2-3 minutter etter at man har lagt seg i stolen.

Pasienten opplever deretter en behagelig drømmesøvn mens behandlingen utføres.


Oppvåkning skjer gradvis i løpet av ca. 15 minutter etter inngrepet, og normalt kan pasienten forlate klinikken 1-2 timer etter behandlingen.

Etter behandling med man har vært under narkose

Resten av dagen etter tannbehandling i narkose krever forsiktighet, og det anbefales å unngå å kjøre bil de første 24 timene.

Vil du vite mer? Ta kontakt!

Ta kontakt med oss på Eiksmarka Tannlegesenter for en uforpliktende konsultasjon og å bestille time for videre diskusjon.

Bestill time/konsultasjon her.

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business.

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business.

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business.

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business.

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business.

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

Coachable Pro provides you with a step-by-step education on starting your coaching business from scratch included for free with your subscription to our coaching platform. This includes 5 modules and a customizable business plan to walk you through each step to create a successful coaching business from the ground up.Whether you are just launching your coaching business or have been coaching for years, Coachable Pro is the simple and flexible coaching platform built around our proven approach and methodology to build, grow, and manage a successful coaching business. Narkose og sedasjon

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